Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Possibly Final Post! this is the last post we’ll be doing for this I don’t want to see (or sense) any waterworks now (yes i’ve got a 6th sense) the last post will be on a list of male and female stereotypes. xP


Stereotypes are standardized and simplified conceptions of groups based on some prior assumptions. Generally speaking, stereotypes are not based on objective truth but rather subjective and sometimes unverifiable content-matter.

Before you continue reading this post, please note that I do not mean to offend any of our readers in any way possible so I would like to apologise beforehand for any mistakes. If you are still unsatisfied (and seriously want to hurt this writer) please see Nurin Batrisyia. CHEERS! xD

Women Stereotypes


1. are more emotionally expressive.

2. are more emotionally responsive.

3. are more empathetic.

  1. are more sensitive to others' feelings.
  2. are more obsessed with having children.

6. are more sensitive to others' feelings.

7. are more obsessed with having children.

8. express their feelings without constraint, except for the emotion of anger.

9. pay more attention to body language.

10. judge emotions from nonverbal communication better than men do.

11. express more love, fear, and sadness.

12. laugh, gaze, and smile more.

13. anticipate negative consequences for expressing anger and aggression.


Then have a look at more I found!

14. Women aren't as bright as men.

15. Women aren't as strong as men.

16. Women aren't as decisive as men.

17. Women aren't as extravagant as men.

18. Women aren't as healthy as men.

19. Women aren't as scholarly as men.

20. Women aren't as athletic as men.

21. Women aren't as ambitious as men.

22. Women are fatter than men.

23. Women always talk too much on the phone.

24. Women actually use only 5% of what’s in their purse everything else is junk.

25. Women take 2 hour showers.

Anything else?

Of course!

Women must work as:

1. Nurses

2. Housewives

3. School teachers

4. Secretaries

5. Factory workers

6. Bank tellers

7. Store clerks

8. Cashiers

9. Cleaning ladies

10. Day care providers

11. Fashion models

12. Actresses

13. Ladies of the night

14. PTA leaders

Women must NEVER be:

1. Doctors

2. Lawyers

3. Professors

4. Preachers

5. Truck drivers

6. Actresses

7. Business owners

8. Supervisors

9. Loan Officers

10. CEOs

11. Bank Presidents

12. Mechanics

13. Electricians

14. Politicians

15. Pimps

16. Bread winners

Men Stereotypes


1. are more obsessed with sex.

2. are overwhelmed by women's expressions of emotion.

3. express more anger.

4. control their feelings.

5. are stoic.

6. show emotion to communicate dominance.

7. are dumb.

8. just want sex.

9. are lazy.

10. don’t have a long attention span.

11. are oafs.

12. love sex.

13. wear whatever is clean.

14. take 2 second showers.

And that is the end of this post (and possibly this blog). It was waaaay easier to find female stereotypes!

Farewell! Goodbye! Elalleqa! Khodaa Haafez! Aabar Dekha Hobey! Ja mata ne! Sayonara! Auf Wiedersehen! Bis dann! Ciao! Au Revoir! Shalom! Adios! Zai Jian! Zoi Geen! Farvel! Selamat jalan! Hasta La Vista! La revedere! Cheerio!

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