Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Possibly Final Post! this is the last post we’ll be doing for this I don’t want to see (or sense) any waterworks now (yes i’ve got a 6th sense) the last post will be on a list of male and female stereotypes. xP


Stereotypes are standardized and simplified conceptions of groups based on some prior assumptions. Generally speaking, stereotypes are not based on objective truth but rather subjective and sometimes unverifiable content-matter.

Before you continue reading this post, please note that I do not mean to offend any of our readers in any way possible so I would like to apologise beforehand for any mistakes. If you are still unsatisfied (and seriously want to hurt this writer) please see Nurin Batrisyia. CHEERS! xD

Women Stereotypes


1. are more emotionally expressive.

2. are more emotionally responsive.

3. are more empathetic.

  1. are more sensitive to others' feelings.
  2. are more obsessed with having children.

6. are more sensitive to others' feelings.

7. are more obsessed with having children.

8. express their feelings without constraint, except for the emotion of anger.

9. pay more attention to body language.

10. judge emotions from nonverbal communication better than men do.

11. express more love, fear, and sadness.

12. laugh, gaze, and smile more.

13. anticipate negative consequences for expressing anger and aggression.


Then have a look at more I found!

14. Women aren't as bright as men.

15. Women aren't as strong as men.

16. Women aren't as decisive as men.

17. Women aren't as extravagant as men.

18. Women aren't as healthy as men.

19. Women aren't as scholarly as men.

20. Women aren't as athletic as men.

21. Women aren't as ambitious as men.

22. Women are fatter than men.

23. Women always talk too much on the phone.

24. Women actually use only 5% of what’s in their purse everything else is junk.

25. Women take 2 hour showers.

Anything else?

Of course!

Women must work as:

1. Nurses

2. Housewives

3. School teachers

4. Secretaries

5. Factory workers

6. Bank tellers

7. Store clerks

8. Cashiers

9. Cleaning ladies

10. Day care providers

11. Fashion models

12. Actresses

13. Ladies of the night

14. PTA leaders

Women must NEVER be:

1. Doctors

2. Lawyers

3. Professors

4. Preachers

5. Truck drivers

6. Actresses

7. Business owners

8. Supervisors

9. Loan Officers

10. CEOs

11. Bank Presidents

12. Mechanics

13. Electricians

14. Politicians

15. Pimps

16. Bread winners

Men Stereotypes


1. are more obsessed with sex.

2. are overwhelmed by women's expressions of emotion.

3. express more anger.

4. control their feelings.

5. are stoic.

6. show emotion to communicate dominance.

7. are dumb.

8. just want sex.

9. are lazy.

10. don’t have a long attention span.

11. are oafs.

12. love sex.

13. wear whatever is clean.

14. take 2 second showers.

And that is the end of this post (and possibly this blog). It was waaaay easier to find female stereotypes!

Farewell! Goodbye! Elalleqa! Khodaa Haafez! Aabar Dekha Hobey! Ja mata ne! Sayonara! Auf Wiedersehen! Bis dann! Ciao! Au Revoir! Shalom! Adios! Zai Jian! Zoi Geen! Farvel! Selamat jalan! Hasta La Vista! La revedere! Cheerio!

Still reading?

Get lost! Scram! Beat it! Get a life!






Alright...stop reading now!














Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Sense of fashion

Most people would agree that girls has a better sense of fashion than boys. 

Teenage girls tend to follow the trend they see in magazines or their surrounding, while some boys just couldn't care less. Girls care about their appearance as they may want to impress the person they like or afraid of being judged or just simply for the love of fashion. Guys would probably wear t-shirts, shorts and flip - flops to just about anywhere and get away with it, while girls if they wear such things they will be judged and so on.

Some girls may not care. Every person has their own individual sense of fashion. Being simple is better than being over the top, getting negative attention from people.

It is well known that big names in the fashion industry are mostly girls such as Betsy Johnson, Anna Sui, Donna Karren, Vera Wang and lots more. There are also famous men fashion designer such as Calvin Klein, Paul Smith, Ralph Lauren and Nicholas Ghesquiere. 

Time has changed. Nowadays, boys starts to care about their appearance. They will follow the way their favourite artist wear their clothes. This phenomenon can be seen here in Brunei, especially at the mall.


Sunday, May 02, 2010


Teenagers are, in general, vulnerable to stress; it comes from anywhere and almost everywhere, such as

• School demands and frustrations
• negative thoughts and feelings about themselves
• changes in their bodies
• problems with friends and/or peers at school
• unsafe living environment/neighborhood
• separation or divorce of parents
• chronic illness or severe problems in the family
• death of a loved one
• moving or changing schools
• taking on too many activities or having too high expectations
• Family financial problems

And surprisingly, much more.

The difference between boys and girls with stress is who's most likely to get them and the cause of stress. Girls get stress mostly because of their relationships with family or friends; boys' stress is caused by trouble in school, with grades or relationships outside family and friends.

If we were to narrow down who has more stress, or most likely to be depress, it would be girls. Karen D. Rudolph, PhD of the University of Illinois said "Adolescent girls may be more invested than boys in their relationships as a source of emotional support and, perhaps, personal identity, interpersonal stress may be more salient and may act as a stronger threat to their well-being,"

There are ways to reduce the stress and it works for both teenage boys and girls, such as:

• Exercise and eat regularly
• Avoid excess caffeine intake which can increase feelings of anxiety and agitation
• Avoid illegal drugs, alcohol and tobacco
• Learn relaxation exercises
• Develop assertiveness training skills. For example, state feelings in polite firm and not overly aggressive or passive ways.
• Rehearse and practice situations which cause stress.
• Learn practical coping skills.
• Decrease negative self talk.
• Learn to feel good about doing a competent or "good enough” job rather than demanding perfection from yourself and others
• Take a break from stressful situations.
• Build a network of friends who help you cope in a positive way.

In conclusion, no matter who has more stress, it’s not healthy, so just relax. Thank you for any feedback.


WHO HAS A BIGGER BRAIN *mumblesnerdiermumbles*?

This topic is a very tricky one to write about and hard to prove and explain. To avoid overcomplicating things (and end up writing a whole report on this topic), I shall explain some of the structural differences of the brains of both genders that plays an important role in how both genders study.

Ongoing research is still discovering new areas of difference between male and female brains, but many differences have already been identified that have implications for how boys and girls learn. Some will be presented in this post but please note that there will always be exceptions to everything that is said and that you will read about soon.

The diagram above is a sketch of the human brain that will help you understand what you are reading very soon. We shall be focusing on the Cerebral Cortex, Corpus Callosum and the Hippocampus (not to be mistaken with hippopotamus).

1. Cerebral Cortex

This is the part of the brain is significant in making humans different from all other animals. Thinking, speaking and recalling are controlled in the cerebal cortex . This area also facilitates memory functions, impulsivity, decision making and planning. The female brain tends to have more connections between neurons in the cerebal cortex, which also tends to mature earlier in the female brain. THIS MEANS the increased number and speed of the neural connections may help girls process and respond to classroom information faster than boys and help them make transitions faster, multitask, and access needed verbal resources (reading,writing, complex speech) better than the average boy as they engage in learning. (You girls must feel so good reading this...)

2. Corpus Callosum

The corpus callosum is a dense bundleof nerves that connects the two hemispheres of the brain; research indicates that this area increases in size during adolescence. In females, this bundle of nerves tends to be denser and larger than in males. The anterior commisure, a tiny additional connection between the hemispheres attached to the end of the corpus callosum, is also larger in females. THIS MEANS girls are generally better at multitasking than boys,including watching and listening and taking notes at the same time.

3. Hippocampus

This is a key player in converting information from working memory into long term or permanent memory. It tends to be larger in females, and the speed of neural transmissions is faster than in males, contributing to generally increased emotional memory storage for the female brain.

4. Blood flow in the brain

Blood flow is up to 20% greater in the female brain. In conjunction with the increased neural connectivity between hemispheres, this adds more potential for information to move quickly between areas of the brain. AND THIS MEANS there is generally increased speed of communication between diferent areas of the female brain, allowing for quicker processing, especially of verbal information. HOWEVER, sometimes this increased speed of communications can be problematic for girls as they may not always “think before they speak.” The male brain will tend to take a little longer to process verbal and emotional information. This can affect behaviour, and also effect reading and writing. Girls generally read more, write more, include more sensory and emotive details in their writing and...dare i say it...get better grades...



-Strategies for Teaching Boys and Girls (it is a book)

-Rough sketch of human brain obtained from wikipedia

Monday, April 26, 2010

Emotional differences

Before you start reading about what we have to say, this is just opinions of a group of four students with a bit of research to back up our claim, so do not take anything we have to say too seriously, thank you for your cooperation.


Have you ever notice how different boys and girls are in terms of how they react to a certain change, news or just about anything? In other words, their emotions. Most parents will agree that taking care of teenage girls and teenage boys are vastly different. Girls are more open to express their feeling while boys are basically the opposite.

Opinion of "The Boys":

Think of a girl who just broke up with her boyfriend. She will spend most of her nights and days crying. And when a girl gets angry, she is more likely to scream the frustration or whine to a friend. Did you know by the age of 18, women cry 4 times more than men (and possibly even 4 times more whining)? Why are girls more emotional than guys? Research by Associate Professor of Psychology Ann Kring found that women aren't more emotional than men; they are just more expressive of their emotions. "It is incorrect to make a blanket statement that women are more emotional than men," Kring says. "It is correct to say that women show their emotions more than men."

Instead of asking why girls are more emotional than guys, the question is why girls can’t just keep some of their emotions to themselves. As a guy, I have experienced having to listen and deal with emotional girls and it doesn't help that girls are now outnumbering us guys. Now guys, here is a question. Do you ever get that weird tiresome feeling when a girl just starts talking and stressing about her problems since she came out of her mother’s womb? I’m not saying expressing emotions of stress or worry (or any other emotion) is bad or anything but it is just that girls tend to get carried away. It is like they worry about everything in their life.

Opinion of "The Girls":

For boys, it is different. They were raised to think that being in touch with their emotional side is not the way men act. One other reason stated males are caught by the double bind, family, friends and the media.The double bind says that the male gender should be in touch with their emotional side and to retain their “manliness” strength. Without a suitable role-model or one without the ability in “emotional education”, it adds as a problem at being intact with the males’ “feminine” side.

In a book by William Pollack, he states that this is what causes anxiety, depression,and even substance abuse. Ironically, the emotional confusion leads to emotional problem that the male automatically react with not caring or avoid facing their emotions.In the end, they cannot avoid their feelings but due to the confusion they will react to the only feeling their brains could think of: anger. Even statistics agree that the crime rates for violence are higher among the males. Another cause by the double-bind, the male brains pick a more “manly” approach over what they think is the “feminine” approach.

All this “manly” and “feminine” thinking is what the media and the mistake of educating the boys to grow up to hide their emotions do. Boys are also a very teasing group; they will tease whoever shows their “feminine” side. And cause more and more trouble for the boys to grow up showing emotions. Thus, starting up the rumor that boys are “heartless barbarians”.

Thank you for any feedback, we apologize for any wrong saying or doing.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Introduction of The Boys and The Girls

This post is dedicated to introducing the members of our group and to give our opinion on the opposite gender based on the members as an example.

Before we kick off our introduction, we would like to remind you that this is our personal opinion and not everyone is like us and to not take our words to the heart. Thank you.

We will start with Badriah Abu Bakar, her introduction is written by Zhoriif.

Well...If I’m not mistaken, I met Badriah in form 2. At first, I thought she was a quiet girl, but I was wrong. She is different from other girls that I know. She has a sense of humour. Badriah has a good attitude although she sometimes creeps me out! She always stares at people for no reason. I don't know if girls like to stare at people... Anyways, don’t try to mess with her... you don’t know what will happen to you (she pinched both my ears once till it got really red!). She is kind and friendly though when you get the chance to know her well. *Eheks*

Next is Koo Jin Hui, his introduction is written by Badriah.

Jin is a lame guy, and a rude one; being in one class with him for almost four years made me immune to his rude comments. Other than, Jin is actually nice. He understands when things are difficult. He helps people who require his help. He's funny in a weird way. Sometimes he thinks he's funny, but the fact we were just laughing at his lameness rather than his jokes. Jin is irresponsible and responsible at the same time.

Thirdly we have Nurin Batrisyia Suhaili, her introduction is written by Jin.

Nurin is a 14 yr old tomboy-ish girl turning 15 who has a multitude of personalities one would never be able to count, weirdly, she's not really full of herself as most girls should be and will always be there for someone in need. She has a crazy short temper and will most probably rip someone's head off if you get on her bad side. P.S. She's so going to rip my head off. XD

Finally we have Zhoriif Zaini, his introduction is written by Nurin.

Zhoriif is a typical football loving teenager. The shaved-head boy is actually smart; especially at math, but makes silly mistakes that can make you feel like you want to hit him. He’s not really noisy but he always makes people laugh with his silly ways. Zhoriif is a helpful and polite guy.

Girls and boys are different, and in this blog we will further our researched proof on the difference on boys and girls. We would be thankful for any feedback.